Month: August 2020
बच्चों का मोटापा स्वास्थ्य के लिए बड़ा खतरा-डॉ नीरज अरोड़ा
रोज़ाना चार-पांच तरह के फल और सब्ज़िओ को भोजन में करे शामिल तेज़ी से बदलती लाइफस्टाइल, जंक फ़ूड की बढ़ती संस्कृति, बढ़ती समृद्धि और जागरूकता का आभाव आदि कुछ ऐसे कारण है, जिनसे भारत में मोटापे की महामारी बढ़ती जा रही है लेकिन इस और कोई धयान नहीं दे रहा। इस बारे कोलंबिया एशिया अस्पताल…
I seldom ask why the Earth is round, Why the sky is above and surface is on the ground. Why the moonlight lights up the world in the night, Why the Earth is in morning shining and bright. I ponder and find out the queries are childish, But why hatred and enmity in mankind is…
A satire on women’s life in Indian society
There was once a time when women was considered to be a Devi or goddess in the house. The house was regarded as the heavenly abode where all rites were performed according to her. With the passage of time her plight deteriorated. She was given a place in the fields of education, politics, defense, air…
Put Away Fungal Diseases During the Sweaty Months-Dr. Rohini Thakur
During the summer season, there is usually a rise in the cases of fungal infections due to the increased humidity. Fungi, which grows all around us as well as within the body, thrives in moist and humid environments and can multiply and grow more easily during the summer season. Dr. Rohini Thakur Consultant Dermatology Columbia…
Police Personnel To Get Leave On Birthday and Wedding Anniversary In Patiala
Good News For Police Personnel Police Personnel To Get Leave On Birthday and Wedding Anniversary In Patiala -SSP Vikram Jeet Duggal Issues Formal Orders -Unit Incharges Asked To Extend Them Formal Wishes On The Special Day Patiala, August 16- Exhibiting worth emulating noble gesture towards the cops, working relentlessly as frontline warriors in Patiala District,…
Promoting Sports Culture in Punjab
Maharaja Bhupinder Singh Punjab Sports University to Make Significant Contribution in Promoting Sports Culture in Punjab – Balbir Singh Sidhu Education in Sports Science, Sports Technology, Sports Management and Sports Coaching Would also Get a Boost – Sidhu New Library Dedicated To Students Of Sports University And Physical Education College Built At A Cost Of…
जीडीपी में सबसे बड़ी गिरावट
नई दिल्ली (तेज समाचार डेस्क)इन्फोसिस के को-फाउंडर एन.आर. #नारायणूर्ति ने आशंका जातई है कि कोरोना की वजह से इस साल भारत की जीडीपी में आजादी के बाद की सबसे बड़ी गिरावट आ सकती है। जाहिर है कि इसके पहले तमाम रेटिंग एजेंसियों ने आशंका जताई है कि कोरोना संकट के कारण भारत की जीडीपी में…
Trees-a gift from nature
Trees – a resource of environment and nature. A gift of Earth’s present and future. Considered as next to god, Now-a-days killed by knife and sword. Loved by animals and children for their games, Life of trees has been turned into fumes and flames. There was a time when trees were loved and worshiped for…
Modern education system in India-amendments
The Indian education system has become a matter of concern now. The topmost reason for it’s being laggard is its the outdated education system. Until now the problem faced by it was structure and syllabus, Rat race, competition, reservation system, peer pressure, and over-commercialization. For Example, there is a huge difference between the levels of…
In a few months, the mayhem wrought by covid-19 has changed us in ways one can’t imagine. We thought that the lock down will end by a week or so, but here we are after five months scared to hug our family members. As people group revive and individuals are all the more frequently out…
The education system of India – a satire
Books – the treasure house of knowledge, With another name of wealth. Brought fame, wisdom and health. Books -are indeed a friend, Read them before world comes to end. In India , the Vedas form the pillars of education system, In 90s witnessed growth and boom. Astonishingly, pollution was evident in it’s system too. Books…