I know we, all are here to survive on this earth. Hundred percent believe that we have got a ticket to see this World. And one day I have to leave this world. Might be a wish from my God to do something for this earth. Let’s feel the love that God has given us through Nature, Animal and Human being. With the God grace, we live in balanced World. Let’s make a better place to live!
God knows the dream and desire in your heart: In fact, he gave them to you. He will order your steps and take you where you need to be.
People do have desire and dreams. Every one is running to fulfill that desire and dream. Every dream needs to be sketch, so that we have on canvas. Even I have a dream…
To solve the problems on this earth. So help me to built an community. Community on earth, which has a mission to solve the problems. Looking for serious people to….
Create a New World
Create a New World, where nobody sleep hungry, No beggar on this earth. Greenery every where. Every one has good education and more important, satisfy and peaceful life.
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रोज़ाना चार-पांच तरह के फल और सब्ज़िओ को भोजन में करे शामिल
तेज़ी से बदलती लाइफस्टाइल, जंक फ़ूड की बढ़ती संस्कृति, बढ़ती समृद्धि और जागरूकता का आभाव आदि कुछ ऐसे कारण है, जिनसे भारत में मोटापे की महामारी बढ़ती जा रही है लेकिन इस और कोई धयान नहीं दे रहा। इस बारे कोलंबिया एशिया अस्पताल पटियाला के शिशु अवं बाल रोग विशेषज्ञ डॉ नीरज अरोड़ा ने कहा की पटियाला यूनिवर्सिटी द्वारा करवाई गयी स्टडी के मुताबिक ये बात सामने आयी है की पंजाब में 13 प्रतिशत लोग मोटापे का शिकार है और इसमें बच्चों का अनुपात काफी ज्यादा है
डॉ नीरज अरोड़ा ने कहा की अधिक समय तक टीवी देखना खतरनाक: मोटापे की पारिवारिक पृष्टभूमि, हाई कैलोरी खाद्य पदार्थो का सेवन, शारारिक निषिक्रयता और दिनभर में ३ घंटे से अधिक समय तक टेलीविज़न या कंप्यूटर के सामने बैठने की आदते मोटापा बढ़ने के कारण है। इस लिए इसमें सुधार लाना ज़रूरी है। क्योकि आने वाले समय में ये बच्चो के लिए खतरा बन सकता है।
डॉ नीरज ने कहा की पटियाला जैसे शहरों के लिए स्कूली बच्चो में मोटापा एक बड़ी चिंता है। कई सारे बच्चो की आंशुवांशिक प्रवत्ति या मेटाबोलिज्म प्रक्रिया के कारण भी उन्हें मोटापे की समस्या होती है। ऐसे माँ-बाप को अपने बच्चे के खानपान पर अतिरिक्त धायब देना चाहिए। प्रतिदिन पांच प्रकार के फल और सब्ज़िओ को भोजन में शामिल करना चाइये। टीवी देखने या कंप्यूटर पर या वीडियो गेम्स खेलने जैसे गतिविदियों में कमी लानी चाहिए। बच्चे डांस, मार्शल आर्ट्स, साइकिलिंग या टहलने जैसी किसी भी पसंदीदा गतिविधियों में हिस्सा ले सकते है।
Try not to pass up a great opportunity the most energizing data about golf!
Select Offer!
At no other time Revealed Information!
In case you’re similar to a great many people, there’s presumably nothing you might want more than to figure out how to play an extraordinary round of golf or play a superior round of golf. Golf has seen an extraordinary ascent in prevalence in the course of recent decades, and that notoriety keeps on developing. While the accompanying of golf has changed altogether, so has the business. There are resorts, get-away bundles and in any event, lodging advancements worked around unbelievable fairways.
Today, so as to play an extraordinary round of golf it just isn’t
sufficient to take off to your preferred course a couple of times to get
some training swings in. You truly need to comprehend the golf
business, and all the more significantly, the progressions that are
occurring inside the sport of golf.
Only a couple of years back I wound up needing to improve my game yet had no clue how to go about it. I was spending innumerable hours on the course and a huge amount of cash on green charges, yet I wasn’t generally observing a lot of progress in my golf match-up, frankly. I really delighted in hitting the fairway and needed to play a superior game.
I realized I needed to accomplish something.
That is the point at which I began to peruse all that I could regarding the matter of golf.
What I found totally completely changed me!
How could I do it?
I couldn’t imagine anything better than to impart my mysteries to you and my new extraordinary report golf does only that!
So in case you’re prepared, let me acquaint you with my golf manual…
Golf Basics
All that you have to know to play a superior round of golf is remembered for this exceptional report:
The Importance of a Good Golf Bag
Are Golf Lessons For You?
Are Golf Shoes Really Necessary?
Cleaning Your Golf Clubs
Drivers – Not Just for Chauffeuring You Around
Golf Accessories – What’s Hot, What’s Not
Golf Terminology
I forget about literally nothing! Everything that I learned so as to improve my golf match-up I share with you!
One thing each golf player will concur on is no green is ever the
equivalent. While playing various courses is fun and testing, playing
ones home course, regardless of how frequently it is done, is
continually going to appear as something else.
In this book I will uncover every one of the tips you have to know to
see how various atmospheres can influence your preferred fairway,
regardless of how incredible it may be, and how you can react to
consistently play a superior round of golf!
This is the most thorough report on golf that you will at any point read! In addition to the fact that it includes opportune tips and guidance understanding the variables that influence your golf match-up; yet additionally the mystery tips and systems that can assist you with playing the best game you’ve at any point played.
This comprehensive special report covers the following topics:
Left-handed golfer tips
Tips on pre-owned golf equipment
How golf gadgets can improve your game
Why the seven iron is the perfect club
Warm Up Tips
The 10 Commandments of Golf Etiquette
Golf traps explained
The ideal golf trip
The must have iron
The essentials of golf
What makes a good golf course
You won’t want to miss out on this! Learn to play a better game of golf today!
You don’t want to miss out on this one! In fact, I can’t even
guarantee how long this special price is going to last. This is one
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go up dramatically in the future and this is your chance to get a copy
of Golf Basics now at a reduced price.
Is this product really worth $37? You be the judge:
Let me summarize and review what you get when you take advantage of this incredible offer:
The Importance of a Good Golf Bag
Are Golf Lessons For You?
Are Golf Shoes Really Necessary?
Cleaning Your Golf Clubs
Drivers – Not Just for Chauffeuring You Around
Golf Accessories – What’s Hot, What’s Not
Golf Terminology
Golf Swing Analysis Software for Perfecting Your Game
Instructional Golf Videos – Where to Get Them and What to Look For
Left-handed golfer tips
Tips on pre-owned golf equipment
How golf gadgets can improve your game
Why the seven iron is the perfect club
Warm Up Tips
The 10 Commandments of Golf Etiquette
Golf traps explained
The ideal golf trip
The must have iron
The essentials of golf
What makes a good golf course
Yes! I want to learn the secrets to great golf by taking advantage of the exclusive techniques presented in Golf Basics! I know this is a limited time offer and may never be available again!
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Please send me Golf Basics right away!
I understand my purchase is completely protected by your name’s 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee. I have 1 days to test drive
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then I am entitled to a 100% refund of my purchase price.
P.S. You’ll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to play a great game of golf with Golf Basics. You will rest happier and easier when you master the incredible techniques and commands presented in this special report.
You really can’t afford not to invest in Golf Basics. You owe it to yourself to try these techniques and witness the incredible results.
Give me the word! Let’s get started and get you started playing great golf right now!
If you have ever looked lonely onto a golf course and wished that you
were capable of playing just as well as the professionals do, or if you
have ever found yourself watching television wishing you could play
along with them you may have the idea of golf lessons in your head. This
is a sport that almost anyone can play and is appropriate for all ages
as well as genders. There are professional levels, amateur levels, those
who play for only fun, and even those who are children that play
together. Finding someone to play with is generally not a problem, and
still others choose to play by themselves. Due to the incredible
versatility that golf offers it is no wonder why so many people look
forward to learning to play golf.
Golf is ultimate test of the body and mind. But we rarely found
instructor, who can teach us to play Golf. Here you can learn and know
about taking up complete golf course. Learning online never been easy.
It suit for all player ages and abilities. Those who know nothing about
golf, our goal is to shepherd you through this uncertainty. What kind of
material do you need? How do you practice? When do you know that you’re
ready for the golf course? The way we see it, the only dumb questions
about getting started in golf are the ones you’re afraid to ask, or
worse, the ones for which you can’t find an answer. The whole point of
this guide is to make sure that last part is no longer a problem.
There are 25 lesson to know every thing about Golf.
Golf Basic
Should You Take Golf Lessons?
Beginners Golfing Tips
Beginners Guide to Putting
Best Exercise Tips for Golfers
Best Present for Golfers
Can You Learn Golf From A Book?
Choosing the Right Clubs
Combining Golf and the Internet Successfully
Common Golf Injuries
Explanation of Popular Golf Terms
Golf Tips for Winter
Hold the Caddy!
How to Incorporate Golf into Your Life
Importance of a Good Golf Swing
Improving Your Back swing Effectively
Improving Your Handicap
Is Golf a Good Form of Exercise?
Kids and Golf – Good Sport or a Mistake?
Picking the Appropriate Golf Instructor for Children
Should You Take Golf Lessons?
The Correct Golf Attire
The Perfect Vacation – Golf Courses and More
Tips for Buying a Golf Cart
Tips to Selecting a Good Golf Instructor
Turning Your Golf Hobby into a Job
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