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Register your business free here. Once registered, you can start accepting Tokens also known as Paazy Token in your business. Boost your sale with Paazy Club members.

Not only, Paazy Club help you thrive and grow, it’s FREE to join, and the ongoing cost is as little as just 5% processing charges to reach money in your bank account. And that’s for GUARANTEED orders. Boost your sale with Paazy Club to find your customer or clients. You pay nothing unless we’re generating orders for you, so there’s zero risk! There’s also no ongoing obligation, no contracts, and no “gotcha!” fine print. We get you orders or you pay nothing. It’s truly that simple. Join up today to enjoy a great range of discounts and special offers, including:

  • Register your business and update your profile.
  • Invite your clients or customer to Paazy Club
  • Shoppers earn credit with every shopping to spend on their favorite shop.
  • Easy to receive money in your Paazy Club cash back wallet. You just need Paazy Club registered email id to receive money in your wallet.

The powerful new way to boost your online sales.

Paazy Club is also the easiest loyalty program ever (great for your business even if you already have an existing loyalty program, by the way)! Getting started basically requires submitting your website URL and participation rate is 5% to reach Loyalty tokens in your account.

Note: 1 Token = INR1